Trio of winning plants for a successful pot arrangement

Growing a harmonious array of plants in a window box or pot may seem complex. But by using the "Sensation + Volume + Cascade" strategy, (which English gardeners call the "thriller - filler - spiller" method), the magic happens every time. These three elements are the pillars of a harmonious, dynamic composition.

The winning trio of plants for a perfect composition 

Sensational plants (thriller)

Sensation" plants add a dramatic, vertical element to the composition. They draw the eye with their scale, color or the unique shape of their flowers or foliage.

Placement:  In the center of the container for 360° visibility or at the back of the container for frontal visibility.

Familiar examples:

  • Delphinium: with its tall flowering stems and bright colors.
  • Canna: for its exotic foliage and large flowers.
  • Pennisetum setaceum: a grass with soft feathers.

Filler plants

"Volume" plants fill empty spaces and add density and volume to your planter. They harmoniously surround and support sensational plants.

Placement: In front of or around sensory plants, or halfway between the edge of the container and sensory plants.

Familiar examples:

  • Geranium: robust and flowering, available in many colors.
  • Begonia: for its delicate foliage and flowers.
  • Impatiens: perfect for adding a touch of bright color.

Spiller plants

They fall delicately from the container, adding an extra dimension to your arrangement.

Placement: Around the edge of the bowl or pot, or at the front for a mainly frontal view.

Familiar examples:

  • Ivy: a classic with evergreen foliage.
  • Surfinia: for a cascade of flowers all summer long.
  • Bidens: with its small star-shaped flowers.

Additional tips for a successful composition

Exposure: Some plants prefer full sun, while others thrive in the shade. Be sure to choose plants suited to the location of your bowl or pot.

Watering: Regular watering is crucial, especially in summer. But avoid flooding your plants - good drainage is essential.

Potting soil: Choose a potting soil suited to your plants to promote healthy growth.

Color harmony: Try to harmonize the colors of flowers and foliage for a visually pleasing effect.

Container size: Make sure the pot or bowl is large enough to accommodate the growth of your chosen plants.

Care: Prune Cascade plants regularly if they become too overgrown. Also, remove spent flowers to stimulate flowering.

In conclusion

The "sensation, volume, cascade" strategy, also known as the "thriller, filler, spiller" method, is the infallible recipe for a dazzling floral composition in an XXL bowl or pot.  

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