Tips for growing herbs in pots in your kitchen

Herbs are an essential ingredient in many tasty dishes. Growing herbs in pots is a great way to ensure that you always have fresh herbs on hand, even if you don't have an outdoor garden.

Aromatic herbs in the kitchen

In the kitchen, aromatic herbs are a must! They add flavor and aroma to every dish. What's more, rich in antioxidants and nutrients, they're good for your health. Herbs such as basil, thyme, rosemary, parsley and coriander are must-haves, but there are so many other aromatic herbs to discover and experiment with.

Growing herbs in pots is easy and practical, as it means you can have fresh herbs on hand all year round. What's more, growing your herbs in pots is an excellent way to decorate your kitchen and make it more pleasant to live in.

Choosing herbs for indoor cultivation

Not all herbs are suitable for growing in pots. Some herbs, such as rosemary and thyme, have woody growth and are not ideal for indoor cultivation. Herbs best suited to pot culture include basil, coriander, parsley, chives, mint, oregano, thyme, chervil, marjoram and sage.

Each herb has unique needs in terms of light, humidity and air circulation. So it's important to choose herbs according to these factors. For example, most herbs need at least six hours of direct sunlight every day, while some herbs, such as mint, can thrive in shade. It's also important to maintain high humidity around herbs to prevent them from drying out, and to provide good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases.

What type of pot should I choose for my herbs?

Herbs need a deep pot to allow root development. Clay pots are a good option, as they are porous and allow water to evaporate, preventing root rot. Plastic pots are also a practical and economical option. It's important to choose pots with drainage holes to allow water to run off and prevent water build-up.

How to prepare the soil for growing aromatic herbs in pots?

Herbs thrive in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. Use a quality potting soil for herbs, or prepare your own mixture of potting soil, sand and compost. Make sure the soil is well moistened before planting the herbs.

Growing herbs in pots: practical advice

To grow healthy, tasty herbs in pots, it's important to consider their water, nutrient and maintenance requirements.​

How do I water herbs in pots?

Herbs need regular watering to maintain constant humidity. Check soil moisture regularly by inserting your finger into the soil. If the soil is dry to within an inch of the surface, it's time to water. Avoid over-watering, as this can lead to root rot. Using a drainage tray under the pot can help maintain moisture around the herbs.

How to feed herbs in pots?

Herbs need nutrients to grow and develop. Fertilize herbs every two weeks with a high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer to promote leaf growth. Avoid over-fertilizing herbs, as this can affect their flavor.

How to care for potted herbs

Herbs need regular pruning to encourage growth. Cut the stems back by about a third to prevent the plants from becoming too large and overgrown. Aromatic herbs can also be prone to fungal diseases, so it's important to monitor plants regularly for any signs of infection.

Harvesting herbs in pots

Harvesting herbs in pots is easy and rewarding. However, it's important to know when and how to harvest herbs to avoid damaging the plant and to obtain optimal flavours.

When and how to harvest potted herbs?

Most herbs can be harvested as soon as the plants have reached a height of 15 to 20 centimetres. Cut off leaves or stems with clean kitchen shears. Be sure to leave enough leaves on the plants to allow for continued growth.

How to store harvested herbs?

Here are a few tips for preserving your herbs for later use. Don't forget to label your herbs so you know what you've stored and when. This will help you avoid waste and maximize the use of your herb garden.

  • Fresh herbs: aromatic herbs are at their best when used immediately after harvesting. But if you don't use them right away, you can store them in a plastic bag in the fridge. However, they can quickly lose their flavor and freshness. Fresh herbs can also be stored in a vase filled with water, like flowers, to extend their shelf life.
  • Dried herbs: Herbs can be air-dried or dried in a food dehydrator. To air-dry, simply hang herbs upside down in a dry, cool, dark place. When completely dry, remove the leaves from the stems and store in an airtight glass jar. Dried herbs can be used for several months.
  • Frozen herbs: Herbs can also be frozen for later use. Wash and chop fresh herbs, then place in ice cube moulds. Fill the molds with water and place in the freezer. Once the ice cubes have formed, you can transfer them to freezer bags. Frozen herbs can be used for several months.

Which aromatic herbs to combine (or not) in a window box?

You can combine several herbs in a small planter on your kitchen windowsill.

Here are some ideas for combining herbs and growing them together:

  • Bouquet garni: grow thyme, bay leaf and parsley together to create a bouquet garni perfect for stews, soups and casseroles.
  • The Italian trio: grow basil, oregano and rosemary together to add Mediterranean flavor to your pasta and pizza dishes.
  • The Asian duo: grow Thai basil and coriander to add flavor to Asian dishes such as curries and stir-fries.
  • The salad garden: grow chives, arugula, parsley and coriander to add flavor and texture to your salads.
  • The aromatic trio: grow thyme, rosemary and sage to add robust flavor to roasts and meat dishes.

Remember that herbs have different needs in terms of light, water and nutrients. Before combining them, make sure that the herbs you have chosen have similar needs to ensure their growth and health.

Here are a few aromatic herbs that coexist harmoniously:

  • Basil, parsley and coriander: These herbs are often combined because they have similar needs in terms of sun exposure and soil. However, basil can be more demanding in terms of watering and nutrients than the other herbs.
  • Thyme, rosemary and sage: These Mediterranean herbs prefer well-drained soil and generous sun exposure.
  • Tarragon and oregano: These herbs can be combined as they have similar needs.

Generally speaking, it's best not to plant mint with other herbs, as it tends to spread quickly and can choke out its neighbors.  Before combining herbs in the same planter, be sure to check the labels at the time of purchase to ensure that they are compatible.

In conclusion

Growing herbs in pots for the kitchen is a practical and economical way to source fresh herbs all year round. Even without a garden, with just a small window sill, you can easily grow your own herbs to add flavor and personalize your favorite dishes. So go ahead, you won't regret it!

FAQ about growing herbs in pots for the kitchen

The best place to place an herb planter is near a sunny window, such as one facing south or west.

Most herbs grow quickly in pots and can be harvested within a few weeks of planting.

It's important to water potted herbs regularly, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings. The soil should be moist but not soggy.

Herbs can be harvested as soon as the plants have reached a height of 15-20 cm. Cut off the leaves or stems with clean kitchen shears, leaving enough leaves on the plants to allow for continued growth.

To preserve fresh herbs after harvesting, place them in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel and store in the fridge. Herbs can also be dried or frozen for later use.

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