The garden gnomes are back

But unfortunately they're not here to do your job....

Some find them kitschy or old-fashioned, others love them. One thing is certain: their history is not recent, and their success has persisted over the centuries. According to estimates, there are some 25 million of them in German gardens.
How do you explain this passion?    

The garden gnome is a fine example of globalization avant la lettre. Its origins date back some 800 years to Anatolia. It then passed through Italy to Central Europe, from where it spread like wildfire across the gardens of Germany and Europe. Love them or hate them, garden gnomes have been part of our culture for centuries. They adorn rock gardens and lawns all over the world, from the most modest dwellings to the grandest Baroque mansions.

Origin of garden gnomes

Dwarfs can be found in many mythologies, legends and fairy tales. As far back as antiquity, rulers liked to surround themselves with small or ill-formed people, known as court dwarfs. For fun... but not only.

In Norse mythology, gnomes are creatures living underground, in stones or mountains. They are characterized by their dexterity, sometimes possessing magical powers and great wisdom. The belief in caricatured dwarfs, small in stature and generally clever and mysterious, has remained in Germanic folklore since Christianization.

In Norse mythology, gnomes are creatures living underground, in stones or mountains. They are characterized by their dexterity, sometimes possessing magical powers and great wisdom. The belief in caricatured dwarfs, small in stature and generally clever and mysterious, has remained in Germanic folklore since Christianization.

Garden gnomes were first seen in Italy in the 16th century. They then spread to the Baroque gardens of mansions and monasteries in present-day Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Northern Italy and Slovenia.

First industrial production

The industrial production of ceramic garden gnomes appeared in Germany at the end of the 19th century, in the mining region of Thuringia. Local craftsmen popularized the figure of the garden gnome as we know it: wearing a leather apron, carrying a shovel, pickaxe, lantern or wheelbarrow, they usually wear a pointed red cap reminiscent of the old Phrygian cap and resembling Santa Claus' headgear.

Garden Gnome Liberation Front

At the end of the 20th century, garden gnomes were even used as a pretext to defend a political cause. They gave rise to an informal network, the Garden Gnome Liberation Front, whose aim was to restore freedom to these little characters locked away in private gardens. In the greatest secrecy, members went out at night to "liberate" them and deposit them in parks or open forests.  But the underlying political message was obvious: let's be free, like the gnomes freed from their masters.

Nanomania and nanology

In reference to botanical nomenclature, the garden gnome is sometimes ironically referred to by the Latin term "Nanus hortorum vulgaris", meaning "ordinary garden or park gnome". which means "ordinary garden or park gnome". Did you know that people who collect garden gnomes are called nanomaniacs? Their love for these little figurines is inversely proportional to their size.

In Switzerland, at the end of the 20th century, garden gnomes even gave rise to a new science: nanology. Fritz Friedmann, a self-proclaimed professor of nanology, is the author of the book "Zipfel auf : All about garden gnomes. A purely scientific text and reader's book." In 1980, he also founded the IVZSG, the international association for the protection of garden gnomes.

Garden gnomes come in all shapes and sizes, from the most "modern" or unusual to the most controversial. But the classic figures (working gnome with lantern, wheelbarrow, pickaxe, garden tool, red hood) remain the most popular.

A tradition that endures into the 21st century

Lucky dwarves ...

Even today, garden gnomes remain popular decorative objects - somewhere between cult and kitsch. What's more, garden gnomes are said to protect the garden and bring good luck. Isn't that reason enough to install at least one gnome with a red hat in your flower beds?

Between love and lovelessness

Very often considered a sign of bad taste, the garden gnome suffered from an image problem at the end of the 20th century. But for some time now, the trend has been reversing.

In fact, this endangered garden species has been reborn through the magic of the internet and social media, where they thrive. With the rise of photo-sharing, the garden gnome is back in the spotlight, especially since it has made a notable appearance in certain films (such as The Fate of Amélie Poulain) and advertising campaigns. Thanks to the magic of Facebook and Instagram, "liberated" dwarfs have become "gnomads" and can be found in front of exotic landmarks such as the Tah Mahal or the Sphinx. In short, often shunned or mocked, garden gnomes are back in vogue.

Le nain fonctionne comme un accroche-regard. Il apporte un note d’humour au jardin, sans pour autant dériver dans le kitsch. Il suffit de laisser parler sa personnalité et sa créativité.  Car, même si les contes le décrivent comme un petit être hideux à la mine boudeuse, sa présence au jardin est plutôt sympathique et pleine de malice.

That's because it has evolved over time. It retains its classic image, but the accessories have evolved to include gardening tools, musical instruments and more.

Google Gnome

In 2017, Google even imagined a Google Gnome, an intelligent product that, in the vein of the Google Home voice assistant, would help you manage the garden.  It was actually a prank for April 1, but who knows the next garden gnomes may be endowed with artificial intelligence!

Europe's largest dwarf reserve

Located in Devon, in the middle of the countryside, just a few miles from British Cornwall, the Gnome Reserve is a 1.6-hectare estate comprising forest, stream, pond, meadow and garden, home to over 2,000 gnomes and goblins.

What's your favourite garden gnome?

In its original form, the garden gnome is made of baked clay and hand-painted. Today, the industry offers multiple variants in different materials. The Garden ID range is made of polyresin coated with a special outdoor paint. Figurines measure from 15 to 65 centimeters in height, depending on the model.

The range comprises some forty figures with different themes: music, work, forest, tools... 

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